Samadhan Kender has been approached by clients from as far as Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Ambala, Rohtak, Jalandhar and from far flung areas. The clients had to visit Samadhan Kender personally which involved traveling expenses to and fro Rajpura in addition to the loss of valuable time to discuss their poor credit scores and reports.
Keeping in view the hardships faced by our clients we have developed an online system for resolution of Credit Reports which involves three to four stages. We feel that clients from far flung areas will be benefited through the online resolution process and they will be able to save time and money spent on traveling to Samadhan Kender at NH-64, Near Bikaner Mishtan Bhandar, Rajpura 140401 Punjab.
Step-1: Credit Report Analysis and Investigation Report:
- Obtain Latest Credit Report from your Bank or Lending Institution.
- Send the Scanned PDF copy (Legible) of the complete Credit Report at our email ID.
- Send Scanned PDF Copies of your original ID Proofs like Aadhaar, PAN Card, Voter ID, Driving License and Passport.
- Check the total number of accounts reported in the Credit Report Summary as shown by an arrow in the adjoining figure.
- In the shown example the number of accounts is 6 and Samadhan Kender charges Rs.500-00 per account as investigation and analysis charges. Total investigation charges will be Rs.3000 for all the six accounts.
- Samadhan Kender will provide the Investigation Report and Analysis Report in respect of all the reported six accounts with the following information:

- Name of the Lending Banker along with Account Number
- Date of Loan, Sanctioned Amount and Present Outstanding
- Status of Account like Active, Closed, Past Due, Sub-Standard, Doubtful or Loss Asset
- Status of Account if it "Settled on Written Off or Partially Written Off" account.
- Delinquency Report of each account.
- Ownership and Type of each Loan Account.
On remitting the money and sending the report in PDF format along with ID, Address, and Proofs of DOB, our experts will send you your Credit Analysis and Investigation Report for Further Resolution.
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